

Published: October 24, 2019







最近CRPC的基因组和转录组谱显示前列腺癌有三种一般抗药性机制:1)激活突变,导致雄激素受体(AR)信号1的恢复;2) 旁路信号激活,如下一代抗雄激素治疗抗性临床前模型,其中糖皮质激素受体(GR)的激活可以补偿AR信号2的损失;3) 最近确定的谱系可塑性过程,其中肿瘤细胞通过从依赖药物靶向的细胞类型转换到不依赖于此的另一种细胞类型(在PCa中,表现为AR阴性)获得抗药性和/或神经内分泌疾病[NEPC])3,4.然而,引起耐药性的分子机制并不为人所知。此外,获得抗雄激素耐药性可能导致治疗脆弱性,可以加以利用。因此,在模拟患者表型和基因型的模型系统中评估药物反应至关重要。



本协议中描述的所有工作均使用先前建立的鼠类器官和患者衍生的有机体执行。所有动物工作均按照纪念斯隆凯特林癌症中心研究动物资源中心(IACUC:06-07-012)的准则进行。所有患者衍生组织均按照纪念斯隆凯特林癌症中心(IRB: 12001)的规则和规定进行收集。 1. 中度和缓冲液制备 在开始实验前,在4°C过夜解冻基底膜基质(例如,Matrigel)。在使用过程中将其放在?…

Representative Results

播种效率有机体形成能力由表型和基因型决定。野生型 (WT) 前列腺基底细胞表现出卓越的器官形成能力 (30%-40%)与发光细胞(3%)相比(图1A)组织建立后,形成能力大大提高。通常,从WT有机体衍生的25%-30%的细胞可以形成一个新的有机体(图1B)。CRISPR/Cas9介导的Pten(Pten+/+)</s…





The authors have nothing to disclose.


K.P. 由 NIH 1F32CA236126-01 提供支持。C.L.S. 由 HHMI 支持;CA193837;CA092629;CA224079;CA155169;CA008748;和斯塔尔癌症联盟W.R.K. 由荷兰癌症基金会/KWF Buit 2015-7545 和前列腺癌基金会 PCF 17YOUN10 提供支持。


A83-01 Tocris 2939 Organoid medium component: Final concentration 200 nM
ADMEM/F12 Gibco/Life technologies 12634028 Organoid medium component
B27 Gibco/Life technologies 17504-044 Organoid medium component
Cell culture plates Fisher 657185
Cell Titer Glo Promega G7571
DHT Sigma-Aldrich D-073 Organoid medium component: Final Concentration 1 nM
DMSO Fisher BP231-100
EGF Peprotech 315-09 Organoid medium component: Final concentration 50 ng/ml for mouse, 5 ng/nl for Human
FGF10 Peprotech 100-26 Human specific organoid medium component: Final concentration 10 ng/ml
FGF2 Peprotech 100-18B Human specific organoid medium component: Final concentration 5 ng/ml
Glutamax Gibco/Life technologies 35050079 Organoid medium component
HEPES MADE IN-HOUSE N/A Organoid medium component: Final concentration 10 mM
Matrigel (Growthfactor reduced & Phenol Red free) Corning CB-40230C Organoid medium component
N-Acetylcysteine Sigma-Aldrich A9165 Organoid medium component: Final concentration 1.25 mM
Nicotinamide Sigma-Aldrich N0636 Human specific organoid medium component: Final concentration 10 mM
NOGGIN Peprotech or stable transfected 293t cells with Noggin construct (Karthaus et al. 2014) 120-10C Organoid medium component: Final Concentration 10% conditioned medium or 100 ng/ml
Penicillin/Streptavidin Gemini Bio-Products 400-109 Organoid medium component
Phospatase inhibitors Merck Millipore 524629
Prostaglandin E2 Tocris 3632464
Protease Inhibitors Merck Millipore 539131
R-SPONDIN Peprotech or stable transfected 293t cells with R-Spondin1 construct (Karthaus et al. 2014) 120-38 Organoid medium component: Final Concentration 10% conditioned medium or 500 ng/ml
RIPA buffer Merck 20-188
RNA-easy minikit Qiagen 74104
SB202190 Sigma-Aldrich 152121-30-7 Human specific organoid medium component: Final concentration 10 μM
TryplE ThermoFisher 12605036
Y-27632 Selleckchem S1049 Organoid medium component: Final Concentration 10 μM


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Pappas, K. J., Choi, D., Sawyers, C. L., Karthaus, W. R. Prostate Organoid Cultures as Tools to Translate Genotypes and Mutational Profiles to Pharmacological Responses. J. Vis. Exp. (152), e60346, doi:10.3791/60346 (2019).

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