

Published: September 24, 2020




在考虑接受胰腺癌手术(PC)的患者中,缺乏令人满意的动物模型来研究辅助疗法和/或新辅助疗法。为了解决这一缺陷,我们描述了一个涉及 PC 正交植入的鼠标模型,然后是切除胰腺切除术和切除术。该模型已被证明是安全的和适当的灵活,用于研究各种治疗方法的辅助和新辅助设置。


介绍了来自45只小鼠的代表数据。所有小鼠都成功地进行了胰腺切除术/切除术,没有血吸虫病问题。在 43 (96%) 中实现了大于 5 mm 的宏观近胰腺边缘小 鼠。胰腺切除技术成功率为100%,早期死亡率和发病率为0%。在切除后的一周内,没有一只动物死亡。



胰腺管腺癌(胰腺癌[PC])与不良预后1有关。手术切除术仍然是PC唯一潜在的治疗方法,对于患有早期疾病的患者应予以考虑。不幸的是,即使R0切除(即切除边缘没有肿瘤),复发率(局部或从未被发现的转移性疾病)是高2,3。因此,全身辅助疗法在几乎所有接受切除4的患者中都显示。此外,虽然新辅助疗法现在只推荐给边缘可切除的癌症,其适应症正在扩大,使其常规使用是许多临床研究的重点5,6,7,8。为了开发涉及切除的 PC 的新疗法,这些方法需要首先在临床前模型中进行评估,以准确回顾临床设置。


演示的小鼠模型的目的是演示如何:(i) 成功植入正交胰腺癌,同时最大限度地减少无意的腹内传播和 (ii) 随后完全切除癌症。本文强调了该技术的技巧和潜在陷阱。


所有程序均由新南威尔士大学动物护理和伦理委员会(17/109A)批准。雌性水性巴尔布/c裸鼠,年龄8-10周,体重16-19克,用于此协议。老鼠被安置在微型隔离笼中,并喂养市售的辣椒食品和水。 1. 矫形胰腺癌植入 为植入细胞做好准备。首先,计算手术所需的细胞数量(每只动物需要1 x10 6 个路西法酶标记的AsPC-1细胞和1 x10 6 个与癌症相关的人类胰?…

Representative Results

连续有59只老鼠接受了植入手术。总泄漏发生在八 (14%)小 鼠。注射时的泄漏程度估计如下协议部分所述。三周后,为了让这些植入的肿瘤生长,在切除前进行了预切除生物发光成像,排除了患有严重转移性疾病的小鼠。45 (76%)老鼠接受了手术切除手术。 所有 45 (100%)小鼠成功地进行了切除胰腺切除术/切除术,没有出血问题。在 43 (96%) 中实现了大于 5 mm 的宏观近胰?…





The authors have nothing to disclose.




Animals, Materials and Equipment for Implantation Procedure
AsPC-1 human pancreatic cancer cell line, luciferase tagged (luc+ gene from Promega PGL3 Basic plasmid) American Type Culture Collection, Manassas, VA, USA supplied by Professor Takashi Murakami, Saitama Medical University, Saitama, Japan
Autoclip wound clips, 9 mm Becton Dickson Pty Ltd, North Ryde, NSW, Australia 500346
Basic Dressing Pack Multigate Medical Products Pty Ltd, Villawood, NSW, Australia
Cancer associated human pancreatic stellate cells Pancreatic Research Group cell bank In house cell bank
Cryogenic tubes, 1.0 mL Thermo Fisher Scientific Australia Pty Ltd, Scoresby, VIC, Australia 366656
Disposable stainless-steel scalpel blade with handle, size 15 Livingstone International, Mascot, NSW, SCP15
Foetal bovine serum (FBS) Life Technologies Corporation, Tullamarine, VIC, Australia 16000044
Gilles fine tooth forceps 12 cm Generic stainless steel microsurgical instrument set
Heated mats to maintain body temperature during surgery and postoperative recovery Generic
Homozygous athymic nude mice: Strain BALB/c-Fox1nu/Ausb, female Australian Bioresources, Moss Vale, NSW, Australia
Iscove's modified Dulbecco's medium (IMDM) with 4mM L-glutamine and no phenol red Life Technologies Corporation, Tullamarine, VIC, Australia 21056023
Jewellers forceps 11.5 cm Generic stainless steel microsurgical instrument set
Micro needle holder (round handle) 15 cm straight Generic stainless steel microsurgical instrument set
Micro scissors (round handle) 15 cm straight Generic stainless steel microsurgical instrument set
Penicillin 10,000 U/mL, streptomycin 10,000 μg/mL Life Technologies Corporation, Tullamarine, VIC, Australia 15140122
Polyglycolic acid suture, size USP 5/0 on 13mm half-circle round-bodied needle Braun Australia Pty Ltd, Bella Vista, NSW, Australia C1049407
Portable weighing scale Precision balances, Bradford, MA, USA
Reflex clip applier and clip remover World Precision Instruments, Sarasota, FL, USA 500345
Roswell Park Memorial Institute (RPMI) 1640 with phenol red and 300 mg/L Lglutamine Life Technologies Corporation, Tullamarine, VIC, Australia 11875085
Round bodied vessel dilator 15 cm, 0.1 mm tip Generic stainless steel microsurgical instrument set
Trypsin 0.05%, EDTA 0.02% Life Technologies Corporation, Tullamarine, VIC, Australia 25300054 For pancreatic stellate cells
Trypsin 0.25%, EDTA 0.02% Life Technologies Corporation, Tullamarine, VIC, Australia 25200056 For ASPC-1 cells
U-100 insulin syringes, 0.5 mL with 29 G (0.33 mm) × 13 mm needle Terumo Medical Corporation, Elkton, MD, USA
Equipment for Resection Procedure
Alm self-retaining retractor Generic stainless steel microsurgical instrument set
Autoclip wound clips 9 mm Becton Dickson Pty Ltd, North Ryde, NSW 500346
Basic Dressing Pack Multigate Medical Products Pty Ltd, Villawood, NSW, Australia 08-559NP
Disposable stainless-steel scalpel blade with handle, size 15 Livingstone International, Mascot, NSW, SCP15
Gilles fine tooth forceps 12 cm Generic stainless steel microsurgical instrument set
Hand-held high temperature fine tip cautery Bovie Medical Corporation, Melville, NY, USA AA01
Heated mats to maintain body temperature during surgery and postoperative recovery Generic
IVIS Lumina II Bioluminescent Imaging Device Caliper Life Sciences, Hopkinton, MA, USA
Jewellers forceps 11.5 cm Generic stainless steel microsurgical instrument set
Micro needle holder (round handle) 15 cm straight Generic stainless steel microsurgical instrument set
Micro scissors (round handle) 15 cm straight Generic stainless steel microsurgical instrument set
Polyglycolic acid suture, size USP 5/0 on 13mm half-circle round-bodied needle Braun Australia Pty Ltd, Bella Vista, NSW, Australia C1049407
Portable weighing scale Precision balances, Bradford, MA, USA
Reflex wound clip applier and clip remover World Precision Instruments, Sarasota, FL, USA 500345
Round bodied vessel dilator 15 cm, 0.1 mm tip Generic stainless steel microsurgical instrument set
Titanium “Weck style” Ligaclip, small HZMIM, Hangzhou, China
Titanium Ligaclip applier for open surgery, small HZMIM, Hangzhou, China
Volatile anaesthetic machine, including vapouriser and induction chamber Generic Generic vapouriser and induction chamber
Drugs for Procedures
70% w/w ethanol solution Sigma-Aldrich Pty Ltd, Castle Hill, NSW, Australia Applied topically as surgical skin preparation
Buprenorphine 0.3 mg/mL Troy Laboratories Pty Ltd, Glendenning, NSW, Australia Dose: 0.05 mg/kg s.c.
D-Luciferin (1 U/g) PerkinElmer, Inc., Waltham, MA, USA 122799 diluted in PBS to 15 mg/mL. Dose: 150 mg/kg i.p
Enrofloxacin 50 mg/mL Troy Laboratories Pty Ltd, Glendenning, NSW, Australia Dose: 5 mg/kg s.c.
Flunixin 50 mg/mL Norbrook Laboratories Australia, Tullamarine, VIC, Australia Dose: 2.5 mg/kg s.c.
Isoflurane Zoetis Australia Pty Ltd., Rhodes, NSW, Australia Dose (vapourised with oxygen): 4% induction, 3% maintenance
Ketamine 100 mg/mL Maylab, Slacks Creek, QLD, Australia Dose: 80 mg/kg i.p.
Povidone-Iodine 10% w/v solution Perrigo Australia, Balcatta, WA, Australia RIO00802F Applied topically to the anterior abdomen as surgical skin preparation
Refresh eye ointment (liquid paraffin 42.5% w/w, soft white paraffin 57.3% w/w) Allergan Australia Pty Ltd, Gordon, NSW, Australia Applied to both eyes
Sodium chloride 0.9% w/v Braun Australia Pty Ltd, Bella Vista, NSW, Australia 9481P Dose: 900 μL s.c.
Water for injections BP Pfizer Australia, Sydney, NSW, Australia For dilution of drugs
Xylazine 20 mg/mL Troy Laboratories Pty Ltd, Glendenning, NSW, Australia Dose: 10 mg/kg i.p.


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Pang, T. C. Y., Xu, Z., Mekapogu, A. R., Pothula, S., Becker, T. M., Goldstein, D., Pirola, R. C., Wilson, J. S., Apte, M. V. An Orthotopic Resectional Mouse Model of Pancreatic Cancer. J. Vis. Exp. (163), e61726, doi:10.3791/61726 (2020).

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