

Published: November 19, 2011






1。在不固定的标本钝性分离:老鼠的眼睛剜除术拉开眼睑改善及接触后的地球(眼球)表面。 将弯曲敷料镊子背后(下)的地球轨道(眼圈)。马哈詹Sharptip敷料镊子尖这一步更容易(见材料和​​试剂表)是一个自定义的仪器。 关闭的镊子和把握的轨道结缔组织和视神经背后的全球,同时小心避免挤压全球。 轻轻向上拉镊子和勇敢的眼球从眼眶。白线样组织是视?…




The authors have nothing to disclose.


研究以预防失明,主任朱尔斯·斯坦眼科研究所,加州大学洛杉矶分校Bartly J. Mondino MD和拉米罗·拉米雷斯 – 索利斯,杰奎白,和珍妮Estabel的,威康信托基金会桑格研究所基因组校园。本研究符合ARVO声明眼科和视觉研究中使用动物。


Name Company Catalog Number Comments
Curved Dressing Forcep Storz Ophthalmics E1408  
Mahajan Sharptip dressing forcep Storz Ophthalmics E1406 (REF SP7-64520)  
Curved Westcott Scissors Storz Ophthalmics E3321 WH  
15° BD Beaver Microsurgical Blade Becton-Dickinson 374881  
0.22 Fine-Castroviejo Suturing Forceps Storz Ophthalmics E1805  
0.12 Colibri forceps Storz Ophthalmics 2/132  
30-gauge needle Becton-Dickinson 305128  
Biohazard Mailer Fisher 03-523-4  
Parafilm Fisher 13-374-10  
Glass scintillation vials Wheaton 4500413033  
PBS, pH 7.4 Invitrogen 70011-044  
16% Paraformaldehyde Electron Microscopy Sciences 15700  
2.5% Paraformaldehyde/ 2.5% Glutaraldehyde in 0.1M sodium phosphate buffer Electron Microscopy Sciences 15700 & 16300 Mixed in laboratory
50% Glutaraldehyde Electron Microscopy Sciences 16300  
0.25% Formvar Electron Microscopy Sciences 15810  
Copper Slot Grid Electron Microscopy Sciences M2010-CR  
4% Osmium Tetroxide Electron Microscopy Sciences 19140  
Anti-SOD3 antibody Abcam Ab21974  
Goat anti-rabbit Alexa Fluor 488 Invitrogen A11070  
Spurr’s embedding resin Electron Microscopy Sciences 14300  


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Mahajan, V. B., Skeie, J. M., Assefnia, A. H., Mahajan, M., Tsang, S. H. Mouse Eye Enucleation for Remote High-throughput Phenotyping. J. Vis. Exp. (57), e3184, doi:10.3791/3184 (2011).

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