

Published: April 01, 2022




Ross主动脉瓣疾病手术由于其出色的长期结果而重新获得了新的兴趣。然而,当用作独立根部替代术时,描述了肺自体移植的可能扩张和随后的主动脉瓣反流。已经提出了几种动物模型。然而,这些通常仅限于 离体 模型或相对昂贵的大型动物模型的 体内 实验。在这项研究中,我们试图建立一种在全身位置植入肺动脉移植(PAG)的啮齿动物模型。总共包括39只成年刘易斯大鼠。安乐死后立即从供体动物身上摘取肺根(n=17)。同源受体(n = 17)和假手术(n = 5)大鼠镇静并通气。在接受组,PAG在肾下腹主动脉位置植入端到端吻合器。假手术大鼠仅接受主动脉的横切和再吻合。对动物进行连续超声检查两个月和死后组织学分析。原生位置的PAG直径中位数为3.20毫米(IQR=3.18-3.23)。随访时,PAG的中位直径在1周时为4.03 mm(IQR=3.74~4.13),1个月时为4.07 mm(IQR=3.80~4.28),2个月时为4.27 mm(IQR=3.90~4.35)(p<0.01)。1周时收缩速度峰值为220.07 mm/s(IQR=210.43-246.41),1个月时为430.88 mm/s(IQR=375.28-495.56),2个月时为373.68 mm/s(IQR=305.78-429.81),与实验结束时的假手术组(p=0.5)没有差异。组织学分析未显示任何内皮血栓形成的体征。这项研究表明,啮齿动物模型可以评估肺根对高压系统的长期适应性。系统放置的同源PAG植入代表了开发和评估新型手术技术和药物治疗的简单可行的平台,以进一步改善Ross手术的结果。





肺自体移植术置换主动脉瓣后的效果非常好,生存率高于98%,长期结局良好7。文献研究显示,在 4 年和 12 年时,肺同种移植物的替代率分别为 93% 和 90%8


在实验环境中重建Ross手术的可能性代表了研究肺自体移植适应全身压力的潜在机制的基本先决条件。过去曾提出过几种模式。然而,这些通常仅限于 离体 实验或具有相对昂贵的大型动物的 体内 动物模型。在这项研究中,我们试图建立一种啮齿动物模型,将肺动脉移植(PAG)植入在全身位置,作为独立根。


所有程序均已获得帕多瓦大学动物护理委员会(OPBA,协议编号N°55/2017)的批准,并得到意大利卫生部的授权(授权号700/2018-PR),符合欧盟指令2010/63 / UE和意大利实验室动物护理和使用法律26/2014。 1. 动物护理和实验模型 确保所有刘易斯大鼠都是从一家公司获得的(材料表)。将老鼠养在传统设施中,免费获得食物和水。 确保受体组?…

Representative Results

本研究共纳入39只成年刘易斯大鼠:17只动物作为PAG供体,17只动物作为受体,5只作为假手术(对照组)(表1)。雄性大鼠为22只(56%),雌性为17只(44%);后者仅用于捐助集团。 手术期间未发生致命事件,存活率为100%。在随访期间,移植组的两只动物分别在12天和51天时有致命的结果;研究结束时的存活率为91%(表1)。 受体组大…



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The authors have nothing to disclose.




0.9% Sodium Chloride Monico SpA AIC 030805105 Two bottles of 100 mL. The cold one (4°C) for flushing the harvesting organ; the warm one (39°C) for moistening, and rehydration of the recipient
7.5% Povidone-Iodine B Braun AIC 032151211
Barraquer Aesculap FD 232R Straight micro needle holder for the vascular anastomoses
Castroviejo needle holder Not available J 4065 To close the animal
Clip applying forceps Rudolf Medical RU 3994-05 For clip application
Cotton swabs Johnson & Johnson Medical SpA N/A Supermarket product. Sterilized
Curved micro jeweller forceps Rudolf Medical RU 4240-06 Used to pass sutures underneath the vases.
Depilatory cream RB healthcare N/A Supermarket product
Electrocautery machine LED SpA Surton 200
Fine scissors Rudolf Medical RU 2422-11 For opening the abdomen (recipient)
Fine-tip curved Vannas micro scissors Aesculap OC 497R Only for preparing the pulmonary root, cut the lumbar vases and the 10/0 Prolene
Fluovac Isoflurane/Halotane Scavanger unit Harvard Apparatus Ltd K 017041 Complete of anesthesia machine, anesthesia tubing, induction chamber and scavenger unit with absorbable filter
Gentamycin MSD Italia Srl AIC 020891014 Antibiotic. Single dose, 5 mg/kg intramuscular, administered during surgery
Heparin Pharmatex Italia Srl AIC 034692044 500 IU into the recipient abdominal vena cava
I.V. Catheter Smiths Medical Ltd 4036 20G
Insulin Syringe, 1 mL Fisher Scientific 14-841-33 To inject heparin in the harvesting animal and to flush the sectioned aorta in the recipient
Jeweler bipolar forceps GIMA SpA 30665 0.25 mm tip. For electrocautery of very small vases
Lewis rats (LEW/HanHsd) Envigo RMS SRL, San Pietro al Natisone, Udine, Italy 86104M Male or female, weighing 200-250 g (pulmonary root harvesting animals) and 320-400 g (recipients)
Micro-Mosquito Rudolf Medical RU 3121-10 In number of four, with tips covered with silicon tubing. To keep in traction the Prolene suture during anastomosis
Operating microscope Leica Microsystems M 400-E Used with 6x, 10x and 16x in-procedure interchangeable magnifications
Perma-Hand silk 2-0 Johnson & Johnson Medical SpA C026D To lift the aorta
Petrolatum ophthalmic ointment Dechra NDC 17033-211-38
Prolene 10-0 Johnson & Johnson Medical SpA W2790 Very fine non-absorbable suture, with a BV75-3 round bodied needle, for the vascular anastomoses
Retractors Not any N/A Two home-made retractors
Ring tip micro forceps Rudolf Medical RU 4079-14 For delicate manipulation
Sevoflurane AbbVie Srl AIC 031841036 Mixed with oxygen, for inhalatory anesthesia
Spring type micro scissors Rudolf Medical RU 2380-14 Straight; 14 cm long
Standard aneurysm clips Rudolf Medical RU 3980-12 Two clips (7.5 mm; 180 g; 1.77 N) to close the aorta
Sterile gauze of non-woven fabric material Luigi Salvadori SpA 26161V 7.5×7.5 cm, four layers
Straight Doyen scissors Rudolf Medical RU/1428-16 For use to the donor
Straight micro jeweller forceps Rudolf Medical RU 4240-04 10.5 cm long. Used throughout the anastomosis
Syringes Artsana SpA N/A 20 mL (for the harvesting animal) and 5 mL (for the recipient). For saline flushing and dipping
TiCron 4-0 Covidien CV-331 For closing muscles and skin
Tissue forceps V. Mueller McKesson CH 6950-009 Used for skin and muscles
Tramadol SALF SpA AIC 044718029 Analgesic. Single dose, 5 mg/kg intramuscular
Virgin silk 8-0 Johnson & Johnson Medical SpA W818 For arterial branch ligation


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Cite This Article
Dedja, A., Cattapan, C., Di Salvo, G., Avesani, M., Sabatino, J., Guariento, A., Vida, V. A Rodent Model of The Ross Operation: Syngeneic Pulmonary Artery Graft Implantation in A Systemic Position. J. Vis. Exp. (182), e63179, doi:10.3791/63179 (2022).

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