

Published: December 22, 2016




Ischemia-reperfusion injury (IRI) occurs when there is transient hypoxia due to the obstruction of blood flow (ischemia) followed by a subsequent re-oxygenation of the tissues (reperfusion). In the skin, ischemia-reperfusion (IR) is the main contributing factor to the pathophysiology of pressure ulcers. While the cascade of events leading up to the inflammatory response has been well studied, the spatial and temporal responses of the different subsets of immune cells to an IR injury are not well understood. Existing models of IR using the clamping technique on the skin flank are highly invasive and unsuitable for studying immune responses to injury, while similar non-invasive magnet clamping studies in the skin flank are less-than-ideal for intravital imaging studies. In this protocol, we describe a robust model of non-invasive IR developed on mouse ear skin, where we aim to visualize in real-time the cellular response of immune cells after reperfusion via multiphoton intravital imaging (MP-IVM).


时,有一个短暂缺氧由于随后组织(再灌注)的随后重新氧合血流量(缺血)的阻塞发生缺血再灌注损伤(IRI)。在皮肤中,缺血 – 再灌注(IR)被认为是起作用的因素,压力性溃疡的病理生理学,其中长期卧床易患长期医院病人受伤的一个。在这些患者中,无论是在皮肤和下面的肌肉经常暴露于施加在骨突出的区域重压力,导致局部损伤的是,如果不进行治疗,可能会变得坏死1。




此外,从这些IRI模型检索大多数数据是有限的,以宏观评价(溃疡分级)和端点炎症指标10微观分析。利用该模型,嗜中性粒细胞中的荧光报道小鼠的皮肤再灌注后的细胞反应的实时可视化被启用。以前发表的活耳成像模型被利用8与另外的修饰( 图1,图2)。


所有处理活的动物实验均按照所有相关动物的使用和保护准则和条例进行。 1.荧光记者小鼠的选择使用6至12周龄LysM结构-eGFP的11只小鼠(无偏爱或者男性或女性)。 注意:使用各种细胞特异性荧光报道小鼠能够在体内不同的免疫细胞的可视化。在该菌株中,循环嗜中性粒细胞(GFP 喜细胞),循环单核细胞(GFP LO细胞)和真皮的巨噬…

Representative Results

该协议使用一个定制的耳部皮肤成像平台, 如图1。这个平台的几个特点专门设计,以方便成像,同时保持生理的设置。放置耳加热黄铜平台上不仅保持在35℃的生理温度耳,但它也隔离由于呼吸不可避免动作耳。在加入黄铜平台上的金属夹的创建一个间隙,以防止在盖玻片固定器从施加在耳朵上的重量,从而保持不间断的血流量。阶段平台也被设计成容纳一?…





The authors have nothing to disclose.


We thank Thomas Graf for providing us with the LysM-eGFP mice.


Mice strains
Lysozyme-GFP C57BL/6 Thomas Graf, Center for Genomic Regulation
C57BL/6-C2J Jackson Laboratories 000058 To be crossed with Lysozyme-GFP to generate albino Lysozyme-GFP for skin imaging
Name Company Catalog Number Comments
Viaflex 0.9% (wt/vol) saline Baxter Healthcare F8B1323
Ketamine (100 mg ml−1 ketamine hydrochloride Parnell Ketamine is a controlled drug and all relevant local regulations should be followed
Ilium Xylazil-20 (20 mg ml−1 xylazine hydrochloride) Troy Laboratories Xylazil-20 is a controlled drug and all relevant local regulations should be followed.
Evans blue (10 mg ml−1 in PBS or saline) Sigma-Aldrich 46160
Ultrapurified water
Name Company Catalog Number Comments
Insulin syringe with needle BD 328838
Transfer pipettes Biologix Research Company 30-0135
3M paper masking tape 3M 2214
Deckglaser microscope cover glass (22 mm × 32 mm) Paul Marienfeld 101112
Curved splinter forceps Aesculap, B. Braun Melsungen BD312R
Veet hair removal cream Reckitt Benckiser
Medical cotton-tipped applicators Puritan Medical Products Company 806-WC
C-fold towels Kimberly-Clark 20311
Kimwipes delicate task wipes Kimtech Science 34155
Gold-plated, N42-grade neodymium magnets, 12mm in diameter and 2mm thick  first4magnets F656S
Plastic guide, 10cm by 1.5cm (polyvinyl chloride material) fold in half lengthwise, bind with masking tape and slot magnet in
High vacuum grease Dow Corning
Name Company Catalog Number Comments
TriM Scope II single-beam two-photon microscope LaVision BioTec
Tunable (680–1,080 nm) Coherent Chameleon Ultra II One Box Ti:sapphire laser (≥3.3 W at 800 nm; pulse length of 140 fs, 80 MHz repetition rate) Coherent
Water-dipping objectives (20×, NA = 1.0) Olympus XLUMPLFLN20xW
Name Company Catalog Number Comments
Miscroscope filter and mirror sets (for imaging GFP, SHG, Evans Blue)
495 long-pass Chroma T495LPXR
560 lomg-pass Chroma T560LPXR
475/42 band-pass Semrock FF01-475/42-25
525/50 band-pass Chroma ET525/50m
655/40 band-pass Chroma NC028647
Name Company Catalog Number Comments
Skin-imaging stage platform (refer to diagram for assembly)
A metal base plate (126 mm × 126 mm × 1 mm)
A brass platform for the ear (79 mm × 19 mm; 1 mm thickness at side, 0.5 mm thickness in the middle; Fig. 1) with slit (1.7 mm × 1 mm; 1.5 mm away from long edge)
Two plastic blocks (10 mm in height)—for heat insulation
Curved holder, for positioning the control thermistor on the ear platform
Interface cable CC-28 with DIN connector and thermistors, one for the temperature control and the other for the temperature monitor (Warner Instruments (Harvard Apparatus) 640106 connect the interface cable to both resistive heater blocks set at 35°C
Resistive heater blocks RH-2 (Warner Instruments (Harvard Apparatus) 640274 Resistive heater blocks can heat the brass ear platform up to over 100 °C within minutes. Ensure that the control thermistor has been properly secured in the holder in order to avoid overheating.
Temperature controller TC-344B for the ear platform (Warner Instruments (Harvard Apparatus) 640101
Temperature controller TR-200 for mouse heating pad Fine Science Tools 21052-00 Unit is no longer for sale. Ask manufacturer for alternatives
Power supply for TR-200 Fine Science Tools 21051-00 Unit is no longer for sale. Ask manufacturer for alternatives
Heating pad Fine Science Tools 21060-00 Unit is no longer for sale. Ask manufacturer for alternatives. 
Animal rectal probe  Fine Science Tools 21060-01 Unit is no longer for sale. Ask manufacturer for alternatives. After connecting the rectal probe and heating pad to the temperature controller TR-200, set the temperature to 37 °C
Name Company Catalog Number Comments
Coverslip holder
2 plastic rods, 1 cm in diameter, 10 cm in length
1 plastic adaptor with holes drilled to accommodate rods (refer to diagram)
3 plastic tightening screws for keeping plastic rods in place
1 metal plate, 6 cm x 2.5 cm, with a 2 cm square cut at 1 end, 2 mm edge away from short edge
1 pair of nut and bolt for attaching metal plate to plastic rod
1 acrylic base (4 cm x 5 cm x 1.5 cm) with magnet to hold coverslip holder on skin-imaging stage platform. 1 rod is permanently fixed onto base.
Name Company Catalog Number Comments
Imaging analysis software
Imaris v8.1.2 Bitplane


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Cite This Article
Goh, C. C., Li, J. L., Becker, D., Weninger, W., Angeli, V., Ng, L. G. Inducing Ischemia-reperfusion Injury in the Mouse Ear Skin for Intravital Multiphoton Imaging of Immune Responses. J. Vis. Exp. (118), e54956, doi:10.3791/54956 (2016).

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