

Published: December 09, 2015


Combining plot analysis with trigonometric regression is a robust method for exploring complex, cyclical phenomena such as relapse onset timing in multiple sclerosis (MS). This method enabled unbiased characterisation of seasonal trends in relapse onset permitting novel inferences around the influence of seasonal variation, ultraviolet radiation (UVR) and latitude.


This report describes a novel Stata-based application of trigonometric regression modelling to 55 years of multiple sclerosis relapse data from 46 clinical centers across 20 countries located in both hemispheres. Central to the success of this method was the strategic use of plot analysis to guide and corroborate the statistical regression modelling. Initial plot analysis was necessary for establishing realistic hypotheses regarding the presence and structural form of seasonal and latitudinal influences on relapse probability and then testing the performance of the resultant models. Trigonometric regression was then necessary to quantify these relationships, adjust for important confounders and provide a measure of certainty as to how plausible these associations were. Synchronization of graphing techniques with regression modelling permitted a systematic refinement of models until best-fit convergence was achieved, enabling novel inferences to be made regarding the independent influence of both season and latitude in predicting relapse onset timing in MS. These methods have the potential for application across other complex disease and epidemiological phenomena suspected or known to vary systematically with season and/or geographic location.


多发性硬化的最常见的形式(MS)被复发缓解多发性硬化(RRMS)。 RRMS的特征在于发作恶化神经功能,随后部分或完全恢复。全球范围内,MS的发病率和患病率增加而增加距离赤道两个半球1-3复发事件的发生特别是在RRMS的频率是否也随纬度而变化,以及是否有任何潜在的季节性变化在该等联想,仍不清楚。迄今为止的研究探索季节性复发时间被限制在单一临床中心,限制就季节性趋势复发时机孤立的地理位置,从而无法 ​​开拓更广阔的纬度影响的任何推论4-14这些研究通过小样本被进一步限制大小和稀疏复发的数据。从欧元临床中心2000年的一份荟萃分析10项研究OPE,美国和加拿大,其中每个研究包括至少30例报告复发的的发病季节,说明复发发作的时间明显的季节性趋势,复发高峰在春季和冬季槽4 。类似周期性年度趋势发病在随后的已观察到,虽然小,研究在日本15和西班牙16。然而,可比美国研究未能证实这一图案 17。迄今为止,这些研究和观察被限制在北半球。该MSBase研究小组最近分析了在这两个南半球和北半球MS复发的一个大的全球数据,探讨除了峰复发概率和季节紫外线(紫外线辐射)槽18之间的关系纬度影响,季节性趋势复发发病时间。中央对这些方法是三角回归的应用可视化和复发发作和紫外线辐射分布的时机评价的发展趋势。











甲复发被定义为发生的新的症状或现有的症状至少持续24小时,在不存在的并发疾病或发烧的发作,和先前的攻击后发生至少30天。这个定义以前在MSBase复发的表型分析中得到应用。36随访时间为每个符合条件的患者横跨其复发的事件可以被观察到的定义是通过跨越第一EDSS评估日期的最近日期起计EDSS评估记录之前,数据提取和汇编的数据注册表。在情况下复发发作的确切日期是不可用或者不能被特定月份确定的,诊所使用,也可以在1日或者一个月的默认日期的 15天。在32762复发本报告中分析中,有7913(24.2%)和4594(14.0%)被记录在每月的1日和15日当天分别显著高于比例记录在其范围在每月的任何一天从0.8%至5.6%。为了校正此,记录于复发任一月份的 15天 1次被随机分配到一个天15天都这些默认日期的时间间隔任一侧内。这种方法的内部效度是通过敏感性分析证实了这证明,峰值复发日起在默认的日期随机模拟的估计是不显著不同于模无论使用EL原来的报道日期,但不包括默认的日期完全。


注:所述对应的Stata的代码段在提供的代码文件相同数目的每个步骤。 Stata的命令名称已被斜体在以下协议。 1.准备并绘制观察到的复发发病数据通过点击“新建待办事项文件编辑器”按钮,打开一个做文件,并使用生成的命令来计算追溯至每十二个日历月为三个地理层次的复发起始点的号码为蓝本:位置,半球和全球性的。通过点击DO-文件中的“执行(?…

Representative Results

三角函数回归到来自全国各地20个国家的46个临床中心采购的32762复发事件该应用程序的基础是提供观察,复发发作的MS时机周期性和季节性的跨越南北半球和季节之间的持续时间可辩护的统计参数紫外线辐射槽和随后的复发高峰期与相关的自由度。关键这是依赖于情节的分析来指导模型开发,评估和细化的必然反复的过程。 复发次数由一个月散点图观测数据的分析建议以年为…




The authors have nothing to disclose.


The authors would like to thank Ivan Hanigan for his support in extracting and interpreting the ultraviolet radiation satellite data. The work was supported by the NHMRC Career Development Award (Clinical) to HB [ID628856], NHMRC Project Grant [1032484], NHMRC Center for Research Excellence [Grant ID 1001216] and the MSBase Foundation. The MSBase Foundation is a not-for-profit organization that receives support from Merck Serono, Biogen Idec, Novartis Pharma, Bayer-Schering, Sanofi-Aventis and BioCSL. RL is supported by a NHMRC Career Development Award [ID 1004898].


Stata SE Version 13 StataCorp, College Station, Texas Version 13 Statistical analysis software used for analysis
Microsoft Excel 2010 Microsoft 2010 Spreadsheet program for calendar date look-up


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Spelman, T., Gray, O., Lucas, R., Butzkueven, H. A Method of Trigonometric Modelling of Seasonal Variation Demonstrated with Multiple Sclerosis Relapse Data. J. Vis. Exp. (106), e53169, doi:10.3791/53169 (2015).

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