
Маркировка F-актин Колючая Заканчивается родамин-актина в проницаемыми нейронов конусы роста

Published: March 17, 2011


Метод для визуализации и количественной оценки F-актин колючей заканчивается в нейронных конусы роста описывается. После культивирования нейронов на стекле покровные, клетки с проницаемыми сапонина содержащего решение. Затем, короткий инкубационный с буфера, содержащего сапонин родамин-актина включает в себя люминесцентные актина на свободные актина колючей концах.


The motile tips of growing axons are called growth cones. Growth cones lead navigating axons through developing tissues by interacting with locally expressed molecular guidance cues that bind growth cone receptors and regulate the dynamics and organization of the growth cone cytoskeleton3-6. The main target of these navigational signals is the actin filament meshwork that fills the growth cone periphery and that drives growth cone motility through continual actin polymerization and dynamic remodeling7. Positive or attractive guidance cues induce growth cone turning by stimulating actin filament (F-actin) polymerization in the region of the growth cone periphery that is nearer the source of the attractant cue. This actin polymerization drives local growth cone protrusion, adhesion of the leading margin and axonal elongation toward the attractant.

Actin filament polymerization depends on the availability of sufficient actin monomer and on polymerization nuclei or actin filament barbed ends for the addition of monomer. Actin monomer is abundantly available in chick retinal and dorsal root ganglion (DRG) growth cones. Consequently, polymerization increases rapidly when free F-actin barbed ends become available for monomer addition. This occurs in chick DRG and retinal growth cones via the local activation of the F-actin severing protein actin depolymerizing factor (ADF/cofilin) in the growth cone region closer to an attractant8-10. This heightened ADF/cofilin activity severs actin filaments to create new F-actin barbed ends for polymerization. The following method demonstrates this mechanism. Total content of F-actin is visualized by staining with fluorescent phalloidin. F-actin barbed ends are visualized by the incorporation of rhodamine-actin within growth cones that are permeabilized with the procedure described in the following, which is adapted from previous studies of other motile cells11, 12. When rhodamine-actin is added at a concentration above the critical concentration for actin monomer addition to barbed ends, rhodamine-actin assembles onto free barbed ends. If the attractive cue is presented in a gradient, such as being released from a micropipette positioned to one side of a growth cone, the incorporation of rhodamine-actin onto F-actin barbed ends will be greater in the growth cone side toward the micropipette10.

Growth cones are small and delicate cell structures. The procedures of permeabilization, rhodamine-actin incorporation, fixation and fluorescence visualization are all carefully done and can be conducted on the stage of an inverted microscope. These methods can be applied to studying local actin polymerization in migrating neurons, other primary tissue cells or cell lines.


Для родамин-актина маркировки, нейроны культивировали на покровных стекла помещены в нижней части 35 мм блюда пластика, или на покровные стекла вклеены в "видео" блюд. 1. Подготовка Покровные стекла или "Видео" Блюда Многие типы нейронов плохо клея в проб…


Методы, представленные здесь, позволяют временным и пространственным разрешением клеточных компонентов, которые участвуют в динамической реконструкции актина цитоскелета на переднем крае миграции роста конусов. Действие аттрактанта молекул, как и NGF или netrin, быстро стимулировать по?…


The authors have nothing to disclose.


Авторы выражают благодарность д-р Джеймс Bamburg и члены его лаборатории для сотрудничества в этих исследованиях. Эта работа финансировалась за счет грантов NIH HD19950, EY07133 и за счет субсидий из Миннесоты Медицинский фонд.


Material Name Type Company Catalogue Number Comment
18×18 mm coverslip   Gold Seal 3305  
35mm Petri dishes   Falcon 351008  
Aquarium cement     DAP 100% silicone aquarium sealant Any hardware store
Poly-D-lysine (mw > 300,000)   Sigma P1024  
Natural mouse laminin   Invitrogen 23017-015  
L1 CAM   R & D systems 777-NC  
Alexa-fluor 350 phalloidin   Invitrogen (Molecular Probes) A22281  
Rhodamine non-muscle actin   Cytoskeleton, Inc. APHR-A  
F12 Culture medium   Invitrogen (Gibco) 21700-075  
B27   Invitrogen (Gibco) 17504-044  
Slowfade   Invitrogen 536937  


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Marsick, B. M., Letourneau, P. C. Labeling F-actin Barbed Ends with Rhodamine-actin in Permeabilized Neuronal Growth Cones. J. Vis. Exp. (49), e2409, doi:10.3791/2409 (2011).

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