

Published: October 06, 2015


This video protocol describes a sensitive, reliable, and quick method for evaluating the neuromuscular deficits in a transgenic mouse model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.


The SOD1-G93A transgenic mouse is the most widely used animal model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). At ALS TDI we developed a phenotypic screening protocol, demonstrated in video herein, which reliably assesses the neuromuscular function of SOD1-G93A mice in a quick manner. This protocol encompasses a simple neurological scoring system (NeuroScore) designed to assess hindlimb function. NeuroScore is focused on hindlimb function because hindlimb deficits are the earliest reported neurological sign of disease in SOD1-G93A mice. The protocol developed by ALS TDI provides an unbiased assessment of onset of paresis (slight or partial paralysis), progression and severity of paralysis and it is sensitive enough to identify drug-induced changes in disease progression. In this report, the combination of a detailed manuscript with video minimizes scoring ambiguities and inter-experimenter variability thus allowing for the protocol to be adopted by other laboratories and enabling comparisons between studies taking place at different settings. We believe that this video protocol can serve as an excellent training tool for present and future ALS researchers.


自从它在90年代中期开发的SOD1-G93A转基因小鼠模型已经肌萎缩侧索硬化症(ALS)1的最广泛使用的动物模型。这种转基因小鼠模型被基因工程化以过表达人铜/锌超氧化物歧化酶1(SOD1)基因携带有ALS相关甘氨酸至丙氨酸的突变在氨基酸93(G93A)的突变体形式。的G93A突变是许多突 ​​变的SOD1基因,它们共同化妆大约五分之一的家族性ALS例2之一。

在SOD1-G93A模式已经成为了ALS药物开发研究的一个主力,因为除了要ALS其明显的遗传链接,这概括了许多ALS在人体内的病理特点,如运动神经元丧失,肌肉逐渐萎缩无力,与最终麻痹而死亡3。虽然,这是常有用的转基因动物模型的情况下,有一种内在的双向与SOD1-G93A小鼠相关ological变化。 Scott等。已经确定,需要在药物功效的研究设计,以克服由生物变异4中创建的噪声至少24垫料匹配性别平衡小鼠的队列。大量在这些研究中与侵袭性疾病进展和需要日常监测组合需要的动物的禁止使用的精心设计的,耗时的和潜在的压力的技术,用于测量神经肌肉强度和功能例如肌电图,握力,旋转棒等)。相反,它强调需要一个体内筛选工具,可靠地评估了一个快速的方式SOD1-G93A小鼠的神经肌肉功能。

在ALS TDI的协议被开发,允许SOD1-G93A小鼠的神经肌肉功能的每只小鼠不到30秒,平均可靠的评估。该协议encompa小规模企业后肢功能的使用是该报告在媒体和视频描述了一个简单的神经评分系统(NeuroScore)每天评估。 NeuroScore专注于后肢功能,因为后肢赤字是最早报道的疾病在SOD1-G93A小鼠5,6神经的迹象。此外,通过ALS TDI开发的协议提供了发病轻瘫(轻微或局部麻痹),进展和麻痹的严重程度的公正评估,这是不够敏感,以确定在疾病进展的药物引起的变化。


所有实验都按照由卫生指南的国家机构的护理和使用动物的所述的协议进行,并批准了ALS TDI的机构动物护理和使用委员会(IACUC)。 1,动物,房屋和研究设计注:在SOD1-G93A小鼠菌落从高拷贝B6SJLTgN(SOD1G93A)1Gur应变最初由格尼等7产生的派生。菌落目前正在通过杂交的转基因C57BL / 6-SJL雄性野生型C57BL / 6-SJL F1雌性保持。通过杂交SJL雄性…

Representative Results

神经功能评分数据为90男,94女未治疗的SOD1-G93A小鼠就读于ALS TDI在2014年进行了评价。结果表明,雄性小鼠通常具有比雌性小鼠更具侵略性的疾病进展,如由在NS 1的比例更大其寿命相比,女性。 NS 2和NS 3发生跨性别大致相等的频率。 NS 0被从分析中排除,因为它被认为是一个“正常”表型。 NS 4也被排除在外,因为根据定义,它只能出现一次在SOD1-G93A小鼠的生存期( 表2和图1)。 <p c…




The authors have nothing to disclose.


We would like to acknowledge Beth Levine for critically reviewing the manuscript, Valerie Tassinari for developing the genotyping protocol, and Matt Ferola and Carlos Maya for their exceptional animal care.


B6SJLTgN(SOD1G93A)1Gur strain The Jackson Laboratory, Bar Harbor, ME 002726 Strain of mice used in this study
Breeders Biomedical Research Models, Inc., Worcester, MA Colony maintainance
Scale Navigator OHAUS, Parsippany, NJ Model N14120 Used to weigh mice
Nutra-GelH Bio-Serv, Flemington, NJ #S4798 Wet food provided to sick mice
Irradiated Lab Animal Diet Harlan, Indianapolis, IN 2918-111914M Chow diet
Lab-grade Sani-chips Harlan Teklad, Indianapolis, IN 7090 Bedding
JMPH  SAS Institute, Inc., SAS Campus Drive, Cary, NC  v10.0.2 Statistical software
Microsoft Excel Microsoft, One Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA Excel 2013 (v 15.0) Spreadsheet software
GraphPad Prism 5 GraphPad software Inc., La Jolla, CA v5.4 Graphing software
Mouse Huts Bio-Serv, Flemington, NJ K3272 For environmental enrichment


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Cite This Article
Hatzipetros, T., Kidd, J. D., Moreno, A. J., Thompson, K., Gill, A., Vieira, F. G. A Quick Phenotypic Neurological Scoring System for Evaluating Disease Progression in the SOD1-G93A Mouse Model of ALS. J. Vis. Exp. (104), e53257, doi:10.3791/53257 (2015).

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