

Published: March 01, 2015


The use of the masseteric nerve as donor nerve represents a single-stage alternative to the criterion standard two-stage procedure of cross-facial nerve grafting and free muscle transfer in facial paralysis. We provide a detailed description to safely perform this technique with a gracilis muscle transfer and discuss indications and limitations.


Unilateral facial paralysis is a common disease that is associated with significant functional, aesthetic and psychological issues. Though idiopathic facial paralysis (Bell’s palsy) is the most common diagnosis, patients can also present with a history of physical trauma, infectious disease, tumor, or iatrogenic facial paralysis. Early repair within one year of injury can be achieved by direct nerve repair, cross-face nerve grafting or regional nerve transfer. It is due to muscle atrophy that in long lasting facial paralysis complex reconstructive methods have to be applied. Instead of one single procedure, different surgical approaches have to be considered to alleviate the various components of the paralysis.

The reconstruction of a spontaneous dynamic smile with a symmetric resting tone is a crucial factor to overcome the functional deficits and the social handicap that are associated with facial paralysis. Although numerous surgical techniques have been described, a two-stage approach with an initial cross-facial nerve grafting followed by a free functional muscle transfer is most frequently applied. In selected patients however, a single-stage reconstruction using the motor nerve to the masseter as donor nerve is superior to a two-stage repair. The gracilis muscle is most commonly used for reconstruction, as it presents with a constant anatomy, a simple dissection and minimal donor site morbidity.

Here we demonstrate the pre-operative work-up, the post-operative management, and precisely describe the surgical procedure of single-stage microsurgical reconstruction of the smile by free functional gracilis muscle transfer in a step by step protocol. We further illustrate common pitfalls and provide useful tips which should enable the reader to truly comprehend the procedure. We further discuss indications and limitations of the technique and demonstrate representative results.





在乳突段,薄镫骨肌神经跑到记者肌肉。副交感神经分支支配颌下腺,舌下和前舌腺体,而前三分之二的舌头与味觉纤维(鼓索)提供。面神经的主干退出骨管通过茎乳孔。这是extratemporal段的开始,但arborisation不进入腮腺之前启动。神经首先被分成了形成intraparotid丛,并最终引起颞,颧,颊,下颌和颈支2 3〜4电机的分裂。















注:在视频中显示的患者已同意公布视频材料。获得书面同意。该协议遵循弗莱堡大学人类研究伦理委员会的指导方针。虽然外科医生可能有不同的喜好,下面的协议将专注于作者的首选技术。 1.手术前后处理完成一个标准化的术前工作了,它由一个结构化的历史和彻底的检查精确的治疗计划。由此,请求该疾病的病因和询问功能限制。这是最重要的决定,因为发病?…

Representative Results

对于肌肉移植物的神经支配恢复的使用咬肌神经的评估在5名患者( 表1)。其中,听神经瘤切除术是面瘫的主要原因。 3考生首选的单级的程序,而不是“金标准”分两个阶段。在两个病人,程序充当了拯救程序不够刺激后,由跨面神经移植(CFNG)。 后单级维修的股薄肌皮瓣神经再支配是3个月内检测。口服合缝偏移是令人满意的但自发的微笑只能在一个患?…


Even though different surgical techniques have been described to regain a dynamic smile in patients with long standing facial paralysis, the two-stage repair with initial cross facial nerve grafting and consecutive free gracilis muscle transfer is seen as the “criterion standard”.

Although a two-stage procedure, the technique allows for spontaneity of the smile which is seen as a crucial factor to overcome the social handicap associated with facial palsy13.In cases of bi…


The authors have nothing to disclose.


Dr. Eisenhardt is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) # EI 866/1-1 and #EI 866/2-1.


Name of Material/ Equipment Company Catalog Number Comments/Description
Nylon Suture, 9-0 Serag Weissner Z0039490 °
Polypropylene Suture  Ethicon Multiple thread sizes
Suprarenin 1mg/ml Sanofi °
Cook-Swartz Doppler Probe Cook Medical G03014 °
DP-M350 Blood Flow Monitor Cook Medical °
Surgical Microscope OPMI Vario Carl Zeiss °
Microsurgical instruments lab set S&T 767 °
Biemer vessel clip Diener 64,562 °
Applying forceps Diener 64,568 for Biemer vessel clip
Cefuroxim 1500mg Fresenius J01DC02 °
Braunoderm Braun Melsungen 3881105 °
Octenisept Schuelke & Mayr 5702764 °
ISIS Neuromonitoring System Inomed °
Tissucol Baxter 1.33052E+12 Fibrin glue
Jackson-Pratt Wound Drainage Medline SU130-1060
Myacyne Ointment Schur Pharma


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Thiele, J., Bannasch, H., Stark, G. B., Eisenhardt, S. U. Single-stage Dynamic Reanimation of the Smile in Irreversible Facial Paralysis by Free Functional Muscle Transfer. J. Vis. Exp. (97), e52386, doi:10.3791/52386 (2015).

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