

Published: March 11, 2014




剖切开的卵母细胞凡士林间隙(COVG)电压钳技术允许对异源的离子通道在卵母细胞的电生理和动力学特性分析。从开封设置录音是解决低幅度门控电流,快速离子电流的激活和失活时特别有用。通过双电极电压钳(TEVC)技术的主要好处包括提高夹紧的速度,提高了信号 – 噪声比,并以调制胞内和细胞外环境的能力。

在这里,我们采用人类心脏钠通道(HNA V 1.5),表达在非洲爪蟾卵母细胞,以展示开封的设置和协议,以及所需要的加电压钳位荧光能力的修改。

快速激活离子通道,如海航V 1.5的属性,不能完全接近室温解决使用TEVC,在whic卵母细胞的膜h的全部内容被夹紧,使电压控制困难。然而,在剖切开的技术中,在细胞膜中的一小部分的隔离允许为需要同时防止用膜片钳技术相关联的信道破落准确地记录快速动力学的快速装夹。



专门的电压钳位技术允许离子流在控制膜电位的记录。广泛使用双电极电压钳(TEVC)和膜片钳技术提供许多离子通道的特性可靠的电生理信息。然而,这两种方法都有缺点,防止收购可靠的数据进行快速电压门控钠离子通道等快速激活通道,膜如爪蟾卵母细胞。该Bezanilla和史蒂芬妮因而实验室开发的剖切开凡士林隙电压钳技术(COVG)的卵母细胞2。该技术已被广泛应用于录音,的Na +,K +和Ca 2 +通道3-8。

图1。卵母细胞剖切开的电压钳巴斯安装图(A)顶部往下看彼此分开了三次澡的。各室的COVG尺寸显示在图中。 ( 二)在测试位置的浴场设置的侧视图。 点击这里查看大图

该COVG技术的优点包括低电流噪声(1 nA在3千赫),外部媒体的离子组成,以调节内部媒体,快速的时间分辨率(衰变20-100微秒的时间常数的能力控制瞬态的能力),以及稳定的录音数小时9。的缺点是,它需要专门的设备,并且更难以进行对比2电极电压钳(TEVC)10。



1。最初的设备设置放置在振动隔离系统( 例如一个空气表)的阶段和在微电极操纵器与周围的法拉第笼,以防止电气和机械噪声。 焊接6银/氯化银颗粒为24 AWG电线六英寸长。对于这些长度中的一个(也可以连接到P1),拼接在第二导线,以形成一个“Y”。对每根线的两端焊金BNC端子,它包含与放大器。 连接焊接到24 AWG电线的浴室/卫队探头(P1,P2,CC,GS1,GS2和)五?…

Representative Results

图4显示了在卵母细胞作为皂苷溶液的渗透性的变化施加到卵母细胞的底部部分, 图5展示了胞内溶液交 ​​换的速率由扩散以下皂苷透化。 20-40分钟必须来一个稳态2,18。 从记录协议生成图6A表演的痕迹。图中示出了离子电流响应于所述电压协议(插图)(P/-8漏减之后)。图中的每个轨迹代表了不同的外加电压。与?…


剖切开的卵母细胞凡士林隙电压钳技术,可以进行数据的快速高分辨率,低噪音,增加控制权的内部解决方案和外部解决方案组成,并记录稳定在相对 ​​长的协议19。这些优势设置这项技术除了标准的双电极电压钳和膜片钳技术。虽然专门的设备是必要的,该协议是比较困难的,一旦系统进行了优化,非常少的问题发生。这使得钠(HNA V 1.5)和其它快速激活信道可重复的记录。…


The authors have nothing to disclose.


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External Solution Brand Catalog Number [Final], weight, or volume
N-methyl-D-glucamine (NMDG) Sigma-Aldrich M2004 25mM
MES Sodium Salt Sigma-Aldrich M5057 90mM
HEPES Research Products International H75030 20mM
Calcium hydroxide Sigma-Aldrich 239232 2mM
MES Hydrate Sigma-Aldrich M8250 variable (pH to 7.4)
Internal Solution
N-methyl-D-glucamine (NMDG) Sigma-Aldrich M2004 105mM
MES Sodium Salt Sigma-Aldrich M5057 10mM
HEPES Research Products International H75030 20mM
Ethylene glycol-bis(2-aminoethylether)-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid (EGTA) Sigma-Aldrich E4378 2mM
MES Hydrate Sigma-Aldrich M8250 variable (pH to 7.4)
Depolarizing Solution
KCl Sigma-Aldrich 221473 110mM
Magnesium chloride Sigma-Aldrich M8266 1.5mM
Calcium Chloride Caisson C021 0.8mM
HEPES Research Products International H75030 10mM
Pipet Solution
KCl Sigma-Aldrich 221473 3M
Saponin Solution
Saponin Sigma-Aldrich 47036 0.125g
Internal Solution See above 50mL
Agar Bridge Solution
N-methyl-D-glucamine (NMDG) Sigma-Aldrich M2004 100ml of 1M
HEPES Research Products International H75030 1.2g
MES Hydrate Sigma-Aldrich M8250 variable (pH to 7.4)
Granulated Agar Research Products International A20250 3%
NMDG Storage Solution
NMDG, HEPES, MES Hydrate solution see above 40ml
Water 60ml
Name of Material/ Equipment Company Catalog Number Comments/Description
High Performance Oocyte Clamp Dagan CA-1B
Data Acquisition System Axon CNS  Digidata 1440A
Oscilloscope Tektronix  TDS 210
Rack Power Filter APC  G5
Heating/Cooling Bath Temperature Controller Dagan HCC-100A
PC Dell Optiplex 990
pCLAMP 10.3 Voltage Clamp Software Molecular Devices, LLC pCLAMP10.3
TMC Vibration Control TableTop Platform TMC 64 SERIES
TMC Vibration Control Air Table TMC 20 Series 
V1/I Electrode Data Collector Dagan part of CA-1B
MX10L Micromanipulator Siskiyou MX10L
Bath/Guard (I/V) Headstage (with appropriate connectors) Dagan part of CA-1B
Microscope Omano OM2300S-JW11
Temperature Control Bath Custom or Dagan Custom or HE-204C Custom chamber made from materials from Cool Polymers (D-series). Dagan also provides a prefeabricated stage (HE-204C).
Custom AgCl Pellet Container Custom Custom Custom machined
Ag/AgCl electrode, pellet, 2.0 mm Warner E-206
External Oocyte Bath Custom or Dagan Custom or CC-1-T-LB Custom machined or purchased from Dagan
Internal Oocyte Bath Custom or Dagan Custom or CC-TG-ND Custom machined or purchased from Dagan
Capillaries for Agar Bridges and Pulled Electrodes Warner G150T-4
Rotatable Mounts for the Microscope, Micromanipulator, and Bath Siskiyou SD-1280P
Fiber-Lite Dolan-Jenner LMI-600
Regular Bleach Clorox 470174-764
Xenopus laevis Oocytes Nasco LM535M (sexually mature females)
90 Na+ External Solution See Solutions sheet
10 Na+ Internal Solution See Solutions sheet
3 M KCL See Solutions sheet
Saponin Sigma-Aldrich 47036
NMDG Storage Solution See Solutions sheet
5mL transfer pipets SciMart GS-52
Modified KCl electrode injector BD 309659 Plastic syringe tip melted to allow for injection of solution into electrodes. Alternatively, a Microfil by WPI can be purchased.
Microvaccum Custom Custom
Forceps VWR 63040-458
Oocyte Handling Tools (Pipette Pump) VWR 53502-222
Deionized Water Squirt Bottle VWR 16649-911
Vaseline Petroleum Jelly Fisher Scientific 19-086-291 
Additional Materials Required for VCF Recordings:
VCF Microscope Nikon Eclipse FN1
Nikon CFI APO 40XW NIR Objective Nikon N40X-NIR
X-Y Translator System for Fixed-Stage Upright Microscopes Sutter Instruments MT500-586
External VCF Oocyte Bath Custom Custom machined. The chamber dimensions are 2.7 x 1.9 x 0.4 cm.
Internal VCF Oocyte Bath Custom Custom machined. The chamber dimensions are 1.6 x 1.6 x 0.4 cm.
Modified Temperature Control Bath Custom Custom chamber made from materials from Cool Polymers (D-series). The chamber dimensions of the modified temperature controller bath are 2.7 x 1.9 x 0.3 cm for the horizontal chamber, and 1 x 2.5 x 0.5 cm for the vertical chamber.


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Rudokas, M. W., Varga, Z., Schubert, A. R., Asaro, A. B., Silva, J. R. The Xenopus Oocyte Cut-open Vaseline Gap Voltage-clamp Technique With Fluorometry. J. Vis. Exp. (85), e51040, doi:10.3791/51040 (2014).

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