
Всего тела наночастиц Воздействие аэрозолей при вдыхании

Published: May 07, 2013


Всего тела аэрозольной ингаляции наночастиц воздействия объекте предполагалось наноразмерного диоксида титана (TiO<sub> 2</sub>) Исследования ингаляции токсикологии. Эта система обеспечивает нано-TiO<sub> 2</sub> Аэрозоль атмосферы теста, которые: 1) стационарная концентрация массы; 2) однородной композиции, свободной от загрязнений и 3) стабильное распределение частиц по размерам в течение аэрозоля.


Inhalation is the most likely exposure route for individuals working with aerosolizable engineered nano-materials (ENM). To properly perform nanoparticle inhalation toxicology studies, the aerosols in a chamber housing the experimental animals must have: 1) a steady concentration maintained at a desired level for the entire exposure period; 2) a homogenous composition free of contaminants; and 3) a stable size distribution with a geometric mean diameter < 200 nm and a geometric standard deviation σg < 2.5 5. The generation of aerosols containing nanoparticles is quite challenging because nanoparticles easily agglomerate. This is largely due to very strong inter-particle forces and the formation of large fractal structures in tens or hundreds of microns in size 6, which are difficult to be broken up. Several common aerosol generators, including nebulizers, fluidized beds, Venturi aspirators and the Wright dust feed, were tested; however, none were able to produce nanoparticle aerosols which satisfy all criteria 5.

A whole-body nanoparticle aerosol inhalation exposure system was fabricated, validated and utilized for nano-TiO2 inhalation toxicology studies. Critical components: 1) novel nano-TiO2 aerosol generator; 2) 0.5 m3 whole-body inhalation exposure chamber; and 3) monitor and control system. Nano-TiO2 aerosols generated from bulk dry nano-TiO2 powders (primary diameter of 21 nm, bulk density of 3.8 g/cm3) were delivered into the exposure chamber at a flow rate of 90 LPM (10.8 air changes/hr). Particle size distribution and mass concentration profiles were measured continuously with a scanning mobility particle sizer (SMPS), and an electric low pressure impactor (ELPI). The aerosol mass concentration (C) was verified gravimetrically (mg/m3). The mass (M) of the collected particles was determined as M = (Mpost-Mpre), where Mpre and Mpost are masses of the filter before and after sampling (mg). The mass concentration was calculated as C = M/(Q*t), where Q is sampling flowrate (m3/min), and t is the sampling time (minute). The chamber pressure, temperature, relative humidity (RH), O2 and CO2 concentrations were monitored and controlled continuously. Nano-TiO2 aerosols collected on Nuclepore filters were analyzed with a scanning electron microscope (SEM) and energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) analysis.

In summary, we report that the nano-particle aerosols generated and delivered to our exposure chamber have: 1) steady mass concentration; 2) homogenous composition free of contaminants; 3) stable particle size distributions with a count-median aerodynamic diameter of 157 nm during aerosol generation. This system reliably and repeatedly creates test atmospheres that simulate occupational, environmental or domestic ENM aerosol exposures.


Всего тела наночастиц вдыхания шаг за шагом процедуры эксплуатации, описаны следующим образом. Примечание: 1) пункты 1 и 3 должны быть выполнены в вытяжной шкаф, 2) операторы должны применять соответствующие средства индивидуальной защиты (респираторы, защитные ?…

Representative Results

Исследование вдыхания обычно включает в себя поддержание экспериментальных животных в известных и постоянный тестовой среде, выставляя экспериментального животного к определенной концентрацией испытуемого материала 8,9. Всего тела ингаляционного воздействия наночастиц систе…


Мы собрали и описали здесь, в всего тела аэрозолей наночастиц системы вдыхание. Функциональность системы была подтверждена с государством в самых современных методов аэрозолей наночастиц характеристики. С аэрозоль нового поколения системы наночастиц, эта система вдыхания может обес…


The authors have nothing to disclose.


Список подтверждений и источников финансирования.

NIH-ES015022 и ES018274 (TRN)

NSF-соглашение о сотрудничестве 1003907 (VCM)


Name of Reagent/Material Company Catalog Number Comments
Inhalation exposure system TSE Systems GmbH, Bad Homburg, Germany
Air monitoring system TSE Systems GmbH, Bad Homburg, Germany
Titanium dioxide Aeroxide P25 Evonik, Germany
Scanning mobility particle sizer-3936L75 TSI Inc., Shoreview, MN
Electric low pressure impactor, Standard 10 LPM Dekati, Tampere, Finland
Ultra Micro Balance, XP2U METTLER TOLEDO, Switzerland
Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope-S-4800 Hitachi, Japan
Energy dispersive X-ray analysis Princeton Gamma-Tech, Rocky Hill, N.J.
Nuclepore polycarbonate filters Whatman, Clinton, PA
PTFE membrane filters Pall corporation, Ann Arbor, Michigan


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Cite This Article
Yi, J., Chen, B. T., Schwegler-Berry, D., Frazer, D., Castranova, V., McBride, C., Knuckles, T. L., Stapleton, P. A., Minarchick, V. C., Nurkiewicz, T. R. Whole-Body Nanoparticle Aerosol Inhalation Exposures. J. Vis. Exp. (75), e50263, doi:10.3791/50263 (2013).

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