
Эндотелиальных клеток со-культуры посредником Созревание эмбриональных стволовых клеток человека в поджелудочной железы инсулин продуцирующих клеток в направленной дифференцировки подход

Published: March 27, 2012


Данное исследование описывает направленной дифференцировки подход в стимулировании панкреатической дифференциации эмбриональных стволовых клеток человека. Большое значение имеет вывод, что эндотелиальных клеток со-культуры посредником созревания человеческих эмбриональных стволовых клеток, полученных в поджелудочной предшественников инсулина экспрессирующие клетки.


Embryonic stem cells (ESC) have two main characteristics: they can be indefinitely propagated in vitro in an undifferentiated state and they are pluripotent, thus having the potential to differentiate into multiple lineages. Such properties make ESCs extremely attractive for cell based therapy and regenerative treatment applications 1. However for its full potential to be realized the cells have to be differentiated into mature and functional phenotypes, which is a daunting task. A promising approach in inducing cellular differentiation is to closely mimic the path of organogenesis in the in vitro setting. Pancreatic development is known to occur in specific stages 2, starting with endoderm, which can develop into several organs, including liver and pancreas. Endoderm induction can be achieved by modulation of the nodal pathway through addition of Activin A 3 in combination with several growth factors 4-7. Definitive endoderm cells then undergo pancreatic commitment by inhibition of sonic hedgehog inhibition, which can be achieved in vitro by addition of cyclopamine 8. Pancreatic maturation is mediated by several parallel events including inhibition of notch signaling; aggregation of pancreatic progenitors into 3-dimentional clusters; induction of vascularization; to name a few. By far the most successful in vitro maturation of ESC derived pancreatic progenitor cells have been achieved through inhibition of notch signaling by DAPT supplementation 9. Although successful, this results in low yield of the mature phenotype with reduced functionality. A less studied area is the effect of endothelial cell signaling in pancreatic maturation, which is increasingly being appreciated as an important contributing factor in in-vivo pancreatic islet maturation 10,11.

The current study explores such effect of endothelial cell signaling in maturation of human ESC derived pancreatic progenitor cells into insulin producing islet-like cells. We report a multi-stage directed differentiation protocol where the human ESCs are first induced towards endoderm by Activin A along with inhibition of PI3K pathway. Pancreatic specification of endoderm cells is achieved by inhibition of sonic hedgehog signaling by Cyclopamine along with retinoid induction by addition of Retinoic Acid. The final stage of maturation is induced by endothelial cell signaling achieved by a co-culture configuration. While several endothelial cells have been tested in the co-culture, herein we present our data with rat heart microvascular endothelial Cells (RHMVEC), primarily for the ease of analysis.


1. Сотовые обслуживание H1 чЭСК (WiCell) поддерживали на чЭСК квалифицированных матригелем лунок с mTeSR1 СМИ, со средствами массовой информации меняются каждый день. Лунки покрыты разбавленного раствора матригелем, получают путем добавления 300 мкл чЭСК матригелем в 25 мл DMEM: F12. 1 мл этого …


В поджелудочной развития, дифференциации клеток поджелудочной железы находятся в непосредственной близости с эндотелиальных клеток от аорты, кроме того, панкреатических островков густо васкуляризированной для содействия быстрому обмену глюкозы в крови и островок гормонов. Учитыва?…


The authors have nothing to disclose.


Мы признаем, поддержка NIH Новый Новатор премии DP2 116520 и ORAU Ральф Поу младший факультета повышения Award.


Name of the reagent Company Catalogue number Concentrations
mTeSR1 (with supplement) Stem cell Technologies 5850  
hESC qualified matrigel BD Biosciences 354277  
DMEM:F12 Invitrogen 11330-032  
MCDB-131 Invitrogen 10372019  
MCDB-131 (Complete) VEC Technologies MCDB-131  
B27 Supplement Invitrogen 17504044  
Activin A R&D 338-AC 100ng/ml
Wortmannin Invitrogen W3144 1μM
KAAD-Cyclopamie Sigma-Aldrich C4116 0.2μM
All-Trans Retinoic Acid Sigma-Aldrich R2625 2μM
DAPT Sigma-Aldrich D5942 30μM
Nicotinamide Sigma-Aldrich N0636 10 mM
Sodium Selenite Sigma-Aldrich S5261 30 nM
Insulin Sigma-Aldrich I1882 25 μg/ml
Transferrin Sigma-Aldrich T8158 50 μg/ml
EGF R&D 236-EG 10ng/ml
EndoGro VEC Technologies ENDOGRO 10mg
Heparin Sigma-Aldrich H3149 90μg/ml
Hydrocortisone Sigma-Aldrich H0888 1μg/ml
NucleoSpin RNA II Macherey Nagel 740955  
ImProm II reverse transcription System Promega A3800  
Brilliant II SYBR Green QPCR master mix Straragene 600548  
Sox17 goat polyclonal IgG Santa Cruz sc-17355 1/500
PDX1 goat polyclonal IgG Santa Cruz sc-14662 1/500
C-Peptide Rabbit polyclonal Cell Signaling 4593 1/500
Alexa Fluor 488 donkey anti-rabbit IgG Invitrogen A-21206 1/1000
Alexa Fluor 647 donkey anti-goat IgG Invitrogen A-21447 1/1000

Table 2. Reagents and Kits.


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Jaramillo, M., Banerjee, I. Endothelial Cell Co-culture Mediates Maturation of Human Embryonic Stem Cell to Pancreatic Insulin Producing Cells in a Directed Differentiation Approach. J. Vis. Exp. (61), e3759, doi:10.3791/3759 (2012).

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